About Subject A

-What is Subject A?-
This blog - Subject A - is about the person whom I will only name as Subject A. It is a reference for me to help organise my thoughts and for you to offer any suggestions and delve deeper into understanding Subject A.
-Who is Subject A?-
Subject A, the person, is one of my obsessions. For a long time I have been observing Subject A and now I have created this blog to help others understand Subject A. The only things I will reveal about Subject A are that A is still in school and is a female. All other things will be revealed within the blog as part of my observations.
-Is Subject A aware?-
Subject A is well aware of this blog and often reviews everything I write. The reason why I started this blog was that Subject A found a notebook filled with my ramblings about her.
-Who is Subject A to me?-
Subject A is a close friend. Closer to me than family or lovers could ever be. To me she is everything she can be and to her I think I am the same.
-Why start this blog?-
I'm not too sure why I started this blog. As I said before Subject A found my notebook and then I asked her if she minded what I was doing. After that it spiralled. There is no clear reason as to why I started this blog, maybe in time I can find out... with your help that is.
-What qualifications do i have to write this?-
None, nope, zip.
I am just a simple person with a slightly higher than average education. The only real qualification is that I know A better than most people do and she is willing to confide me about these things.
Feel free to offer suggestions on how to make this better as I will probably slip into my creative writer persona as I write this.